10 years of experience with a variety of programming languages.
★ UnityScript (2 years)
★ C# (3 years)
★ C++ (2 years)
★ JavaScript (5 months)
★ Python (5 months)
★ Dart (4 months)
★ Java (3 months)
★ C (1 month)
★ HTML* (6 months)
★ CSS* (6 months)
★ MySQL* (1 week)
* Not a programming language.
★ ★ ★ ★
Good experience with Flutter (Dart) for making mobile apps.
Great experience with Drogon (C++) in creating backend, and discord.py (Python) for making Discord bots, and Unity (C#) for making games, interactive user interfaces, or applications.
Mostly interested in backend and algorithms. Focused on optimization and efficiency.
Gauge creation system for Unity game engine, with other utilities like Customization, Time, Media Player, etc. (C#) (Found Here)
T.E.A.M. Manager, a Discord bot for managing timetable, exams, assignments and meetings for universities. This bot was private and only available for the university I studied in. (discord.py, Python)
Restaurant management for taking orders or stocking items. (Flutter, Dart)
Secure radio communications using a home-made, custom data transfer protocol. (C++)
Virtual controller with joysticks for embedded systems. (Drogon, RocksDB, C++, HTML, CSS, JS)
2 Years
3 Years
2 Years
5 Months
5 Months
4 Months
3 Months
1 Month
6 Months
6 Months
1 Week
No client work or project is provided for privacy.
If interested, contact me for showcase.